Monday, March 30, 2009

Something Wicked This Way Comes

This was what I pulled up to the other day. By the time I fetched the camera six of the birds had flown the coup--making it twenty eight to start with.  Can you even understand how eerie this is?  No, you definitely can't because from this picture they look like sweet little ravens or friendly farm crows.  Well, would it help you to understand that Turkey Vultures have a wing span of 72 inches.  They are huge suckers. And they have some kinda bone to pick with me. There were six or seven cramming themselves into the chimneys.  Imagine how chilling it would it be to actually go in the house and see that one had made it's way down into the living room and was kickin' it on the couch....waiting to peck my eyes out.  See what I have to put up with out here in the east. Where are all the cute little pigeons of the western sort? 

What does it all mean?


Me said...

Man, that is really erie. It would be even worse if you saw it on a friday the 13th or Halloween or something spooky like that.

Great shot though!

The Bobos said...

Creepy!! Kind of reminds me of "The Birds." Maybe they just really like the smell of your cooking?

Suzanne said...

Ummmm.....that is really creepy! I would be completely freaked out!! You hear a slight scratchy tap on your bedroom window to awake to have a bird eyeball staring at you. CAREEPY!! Hope they didn't bring treats with them. At that size, the scary little fellas probably eat large rodents. What's next? Dead rabbits on the lawn! haha! My imagination kills me sometimes! -Suzanne

jessamyn said...

Oh my goodness, Alfred Hitchcock was a staple in our home growing up, so I'm pretty sure I would have not even gotten out of the car and my sister would have fainted. That's the creepiest thing ever, and at the same time very exciting.

Mrs. O said...

If one of those made it down your chimney, you'd have a whole slew of new gray hairs. Yikes!

Jayne Layne said...

That is crazy and creepy! Its like they have staked claim on your house. I think I was on the phone that day when you drove up.

Oh and you probably shouldn't ever use pigeon and cute in the same sentence again. They are hainus. Mike Tyson has them as pets, over 1,000 to be exact.

Jek said...

Jason thinks that pigeons are the grossest things created! So does our friend D.Z. I think you should fire rodents on the top of your neighbors home and allow them to make the top of there home home.

JENNIFRO said...

I was kidding about the pigeons---imagining dad calling them "flying rats."

Ann Marie said...

So weird...
I have never seen one before..

Maybe you should surprise Nick and the kids with Turkey Vulture for dinner... ha-ha

Tiff said...

Um, are you hiding a dead body in your back yard or something? I know what turkey vultures like to eat...

Laura said...

Can you see through your windows anymore? Maybe time for a cat? :)

Mitch said...

Wierd. This actually happened to my old girlfriend Sasha's house. She came home from a doctor's appointment one day and they were just there. Hmmmmmm....that's weird. I wonder why. What's the worse that could happen? You just might be known in the neighborhood as crazy vulture lady. Stop brushing your teeth and hair and you could really fit the part.