Sunday, September 1, 2013

Summer Snippets

"Betcha we can catch a bird." (well I'll be!) 

"I just love coming to the sea."  CB

Who's paying for this?

"Let's make these and get sued!" check

"I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

Castaway and the one armed surfer who apparently grew her arm back?

"I'm a big kid now!" Think Toys R Us jingle

Parowan Babes

Ma Ingalls strikes again


Eight is great!

Because.. DARLING

Aunt Jen finds a kitty!

Birthday shoes and bright toes. Get your feet off the bed!

Beat it, it's girls's night!

Dirty Dinner: 17 courses and 1/4 full

Goodnight giggles at Mc Ducks. (filling up the 3/4!)

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