Thursday, June 18, 2009


back in the olden days when we used to write letters and send cards in the mail?  Well, I did that today, five times over.  It felt really good.  Made me happy to express my love and gratitude through writing.  My handwriting used to be pretty, now it's rushed and sloppy.  Some skills and tradtions are worth preserving in my opinion, and I hope I do it again sometime.  Soon.


{Mo} said...

What a great post. I still do my fair share of writing, but not as much as I'd like. We just put together a book of letters from former students for my dad for his retirement, after teaching for 32 years. We had 1 handwritten letter, and the rest I recieved through emails! Granted that made things a lot easier, but in some ways less personal.

Suzanne said...

This is my preferred method also!! I think our posterity will enjoy all of our blog stories and moments, however, I truly believe that you can see a person in their handwriting. It is very personal, unique and a part of them. Keep on writing Jenn! Keep on writing! -Suzanne

Anonymous said...

I heard an interior decorator say once that you should frame your special hand written notes and put them out for others to see. So far, I only have one framed and sitting on my dresser. It is from Dylaln at the age of 6 saying: "You are the best" in his cute little handwriting. What a treasure. Thanks for sharing. I love to write notes. Nancy

Me said...

It is so nice to recieve a lovely handwritten card. I have to admit though, that I don't do it nearly enough.

I need to take your cue and write some myself so thanks for reminding me of what I should be doing!

Mrs. O said...

I've had a thing for stationary since I was 11 years old. But you're right, we don't often send out actual letters anymore.

Ann Marie said...

Amen sister!!

I agree 100%!
I try and send letters and notes for thank you's and such.. but I should send more out that are " just because" or " I was thinking of you today.."
I love my Christmas cards. Do you know I cut out pictures and they are on my fridge all year? So yep.. I have your family as indians and pilgrims still displayed.. :) I save all of my letters that are dear to me.. I love them.
My pet peeve: Christmas and Birthday e-mail cards. They just seem so non-personal...

Ann Marie said...

oh and.. I love that you are posting lots!

Jek said...

yadda yadda about the note cards. We just watched 7 pounds. LOVED IT. How could anyone hate it, confused by that one. Loved the whole darn thing and more importantly, LLLLOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE Willy even more than i did before. Easy on the eyes that is FO SHO!

Kimmie said...

Loved your this "Cyber-world" it seems everyone does so many things by EMAIL (even wishing people Happy Birthday) that things just seem so "impersonal" anymore.

I very much love getting and sending off "hand-written" notes and my kids get tired during the summer because I make them write a letter to their grandparents that live out of state every week telling them about the fun things they are doing. My mom LOVES and treasures these handwritten notes and looks forward to them and my kids are getting practice at writing and spelling.

Anyway, thanks for the refreshing post to remind us to take more time to send "Handwritten" notes to our friends and family more often. (this is a hard one for me because my handwriting definitely looks like "Chicken scratch" ;-)