Thursday, August 15, 2013

 Birthday Crush

Me: Nicholas, you better marry a girl who appreciates your humor.
Him:  I'm sorry, that girl is already taken.... by my father. (wink)

It's no secret that I have a mad crush on my first-born.  He has been my loyal fan since day one and I love that we make each other laugh on the daily.  He has razor sharp wit and is the comeback kid with his clever quips.  Not saying he'll be doing stand-up anytime soon because there's not much he hates more than the spotlight.  I look at these pictures below and chuckle because as he was highlighted, roasted, praised and mentored by friends and family, I could see his smile was plastered on as his eyes communicated, "WHEN will this end, Mother?!"  He's a good sport and would rather take a bullet than rock the boat or cause contention--couldn't ask for more from a #1.  He has set a precedence for peace in our home and there is rarely a fight or tension among the sibs, largely due to his calm nature.  Happy 16th to my darling pal.  You were born my bright-eyed boy with your fist all the way in your mouth; just look at the size of that smile!  You are loved, NJM.

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